Forum Message

Posted by: John Grinder and Carmen Bostic St, Clair
Date/Time: 09/12/2002 16:26:51


Allow me to offer my sympathetic understandings - even in languages that I speak reasonably well, I often encountered diffiuculties when attempting to read serious complicated text. The level of language in Whispering is quite advanced and was written with an English speaking audience in mind. While we do not apologize for this (after all, the sophisticated use of language is often a signal that fine distinctions are being proposed), we do recognize this as a difficulty for non-native English speakers. We appreciate your efforts to participate.

One challenge: you write,

"...the point seems to be that it is simply very difficult to translate language mechanisms (like the meta model) inherent to English into other languages."

As a linguist, I (JG) suspect that the meta model distinctions are available in every human language, although the specific surface structures that carry these distinctions may be quite diverse. In every languages that I have had the opportunity to check with native speakers, every one of the distinctions are present. Also remember that there are updated models that are much less complicated and yet are as effective in specifying language as the meta model (the Precision model or the verbal package of the New Code, for example).

Thanks for your efforts and please participate, including requesting (through paraphrase, for example) clarification in those cases you find difficulty understanding the intention behind what is written.

All the best,

John and Carmen 

Entire Thread

TopicDate PostedPosted By
Meta-Dialogue to Mr. Grinder02/11/2002 09:26:54hellstorm
     Re:Meta?02/11/2002 11:18:27Thomas
          Re:Re:Meta?02/11/2002 23:42:09Robert
     ReReReRe:Meta-Dialogue to Mr. Grinder06/11/2002 13:22:25MCH
          Re:ReReReRe:Meta-Dialogue to Mr. Grinder06/11/2002 14:16:52MCH
               Re:Re:ReReReRe:Meta-Dialogue to Mr. Grinder06/11/2002 14:27:05JimR
                    Re:Re:Re:ReReReRe:Meta-Dialogue to Mr. Grinder06/11/2002 14:53:10Web Master
     Meta-Dialogue to Mr. Grinder06/11/2002 14:54:06MCH
          Re:Meta-Dialogue to Mr. Grinder06/12/2002 10:11:18jurek
     Sensory Acuity.07/12/2002 09:55:38Zaphod
           TOO MANY WORDS AND TRANSLATOR'S PROBLEMS09/12/2002 13:50:34jurek
               Re: TOO MANY WORDS AND TRANSLATOR'S PROBLEMS09/12/2002 16:26:51John Grinder and Carmen Bostic St, Clair
                    Re:Re: TOO MANY WORDS AND TRANSLATOR'S PROBLEMS10/12/2002 00:05:45Michael Carroll

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