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Topic: Re:I believe this one falls under the heading of ethics...
Posted by: Lewis Walker
Date/Time: 18/01/2003 11:40:38

Hi Stephen,

Interesting topic - I have had many thoughts on this one - both for and against. Here's what I currently think.

I think integrity is about prior intention rather than being perfect. Milton Erickson was the classic "wounded healer". Carl Rogers (heavily paraphrased) said it was enough to "be enough - not perfect." Integrity means acknowledging you have issues to address and still doing the best you can in the circumstances.

There is a big difference between doing NLP "to" someone and doing NLP "with" someone (old code/new code?). The second presumes creating a "we" space where change can occur for both client AND practitioner. In that moment, if you are open to your own unconscious feedback, you may find you gain as well.

Cancer specialists don't need to have personally recovered from cancer in order to help patients get better. You don't need to have resolved an issue similar to your client's prior to engaging with them.

Most people have incongruencies. Clients come to us because these have become issues/problems. When you think about it, our own incongruencies will actually help us  Stephen get BETTER unconscious rapport with them! I think the integrity lies in the acknowlegement and the willingness to do something about our own issues rather than having reached the place of perfection before we can start helping people.

Interesting topic.



Entire Thread

TopicDate PostedPosted By
I believe this one falls under the heading of ethics...18/01/2003 06:45:51Stephen
     Re:I believe this one falls under the heading of ethics...18/01/2003 11:40:38Lewis Walker
          Re:Re:I believe this one falls under the heading of ethics...18/01/2003 18:47:18John Grinder
               Re:Re:Re:I believe this one falls under the heading of ethics...18/01/2003 22:04:24Stephen
     Re:I believe this one falls under the heading of ethics...27/01/2003 21:34:32nj
          Re:Re:I believe this one falls under the heading of ethics...28/01/2003 02:38:59Stephen
               Topic: Modeling, To: Stephen. A reply to Stephen30/01/2003 00:49:00nj
                    Re:Topic: Modeling, To: Stephen. A reply to Stephen30/01/2003 03:13:26Stephen
                         Re:Re:Topic: Modeling, To: Stephen. A reply to Stephen30/01/2003 06:34:45nj
                              Re:Re:Re:Topic: Modeling, To: Stephen. A reply to Stephen31/01/2003 01:42:27Stephen
                                   Re: I must have left it in my other pants...31/01/2003 14:55:21Rob Manson

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