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Topic: Re:Re:I believe this one falls under the heading of ethics...
Posted by: Stephen
Date/Time: 28/01/2003 02:38:59


Greetings! Thank you for taking the time to write.

To me, as a starting point, it fits in with what I want from my involvement in NLP:

To practice what I preach. To my personal sense of what is aesthetic, being unable to use NLP to behave in a manner congruent with my desires while purporting to be able to use NLP to help others attain their desires doesn't jive. Seems to be lacking in symmetry. Bugs me from an artistic point of view.

I will look around for a practioner of NLP to run the phobia cure. There is a distinct possiblity that I will be able to locate someone to work with me at the New Code NLP seminar in Austin next week. I think that maybe that will be the test for me... I leave this open and free of description at this time with purpose. I am not ready to explain that simply. Bear with me.

Be well,


Entire Thread

TopicDate PostedPosted By
I believe this one falls under the heading of ethics...18/01/2003 06:45:51Stephen
     Re:I believe this one falls under the heading of ethics...18/01/2003 11:40:38Lewis Walker
          Re:Re:I believe this one falls under the heading of ethics...18/01/2003 18:47:18John Grinder
               Re:Re:Re:I believe this one falls under the heading of ethics...18/01/2003 22:04:24Stephen
     Re:I believe this one falls under the heading of ethics...27/01/2003 21:34:32nj
          Re:Re:I believe this one falls under the heading of ethics...28/01/2003 02:38:59Stephen
               Topic: Modeling, To: Stephen. A reply to Stephen30/01/2003 00:49:00nj
                    Re:Topic: Modeling, To: Stephen. A reply to Stephen30/01/2003 03:13:26Stephen
                         Re:Re:Topic: Modeling, To: Stephen. A reply to Stephen30/01/2003 06:34:45nj
                              Re:Re:Re:Topic: Modeling, To: Stephen. A reply to Stephen31/01/2003 01:42:27Stephen
                                   Re: I must have left it in my other pants...31/01/2003 14:55:21Rob Manson

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