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Topic: Re:Mind's eye
Posted by: Robert Ballentine
Date/Time: 18/07/2003 10:19:09

Hi Troy,

Firstly I suggest that your ability is not unusual, I know a few people whom they say, do not visualise. Of course it is difficult to clarify what specifically your situation is via the Internet.

My Sensei, always claimed that he could not visualise and amusingly had great problems when people would try and explain something to him and say “Just imagine that you are holding out your hand and see the golden energy pouring from it into your energy spots” or some such thing like that.

To this he would promptly say 'I cannot SEE what you are TALKING about SHOW me'. Perhaps you can understand why he likes Martial Arts as he already had a very well developed Kinaesthetic system. Visualising never effected his ability to learn or teach Aikido.

And interestingly enough, most of what he talked about, he included in his representation highly visual imagery. When I first spoke to him about this and learned more about what was happening, it was not that he could not visualise, but that some of his ability to notice what was happening, was not happening. That is, his attention tended to be focused very much on his kinaesthetic and internal dialogue, these had the higher proportion of registry in his conscious attention.

By helping to turn down the internal dialogue, that is by taking him through relaxation exercises and quietening his ID down, he then had the time to NOTICE his visualisations.

From my experience, there seem to be a number of different reasons as to why someone appears to be unable to visualise.

But some of it is also in the clarification of the phrase 'to visualise'. That is, to visualise presupposes some form of action upon the users part, in the way of construction. But noticing our internal imagery is different. It presupposes a passive notion on the part of the user.

NLP can help in Self-Development, and it is certainly not within my experience to say that you ‘need’ to visualise. I have noticed that even if someone is given a process command 'see yourself doing x' that although at the level of consciousness they may be unable to consciously construct it, that in order for them to understand the sentence, at the unconscious level, the process has taken place. That is they have visualised, but have not consciously recognised the visualisation. In answer to your question, it is also about learning a relationship with both your minds, your conscious and unconscious.

I hope this helps

Enjoy, NLP has a lot to offer in self-discovery and learning


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TopicDate PostedPosted By
Mind's eye17/07/2003 12:00:04Troy
     ReReRe:Mind's eye17/07/2003 13:37:44Tony
     Re:Mind's eye18/07/2003 09:00:56troy
          Re:Re:Mind's eye18/07/2003 09:41:19Michael Worthington
     Re:Mind's eye18/07/2003 10:19:09Robert Ballentine
          Re:Re:Mind's eye18/07/2003 12:07:08Avid Golfer
               Re:Re:Re:Mind's eye18/07/2003 14:48:53Robert Ballentine
          Re:Re:Mind's eye18/07/2003 12:26:26Tony
               Re:Re:Re:Mind's eye19/07/2003 10:14:40John Grinder
                    Re:Re:Re:Re:Mind's eye19/07/2003 18:38:44Golf Swing Modeler
                    Re:Re:Re:Re:Mind's eye20/07/2003 16:17:05Tony
                         Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Mind's eye21/07/2003 14:00:46John Grinder
                              Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Mind's eye21/07/2003 14:16:13Tony
                              Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Mind's eye25/07/2003 02:59:48Tony
                                   Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Mind's eye25/07/2003 12:44:27John Grinder
                                        Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Mind's eye26/07/2003 15:26:29Tony
                                             Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Mind's eye27/07/2003 14:18:59John Grinder
                                                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Mind's eye27/07/2003 15:39:32Sean
                                                       ReRe:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Mind's eye28/07/2003 23:06:14Sean

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