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Topic: Re:Re:Re:Mind's eye
Posted by: Robert Ballentine
Date/Time: 18/07/2003 14:48:53

Hi Avid,

Thanks for your reply, I have not come across Dave Dobson B4, but his name does now RING a bell.

I like what I see, I would like to hear more, and gain a full understanding of his material.

You wrote: -
"It APPEARS to me that was your Sensei was SHOWING was that he was a highly VISUAL person and that his K and A were less dominant systems and in fact blocked."

I Agree he has a well-developed visual system yet was unable to represent this consciously. But I do not understand how you allude to the fact that the other systems are blocked or less dominant.

Can you expand on your meaning of 'blocked' and what makes you say 'less dominant' in relation to concsiously visualising?

If a person asked him to talk about a technique, you could see him visualising it and talking about it, and using his arms to represent it too, but when questioned about what he saw, he would say “Nothing”. “I did not SEE anything.”

Or if asked to visualise a ‘Tree in the Wind’, again he would look up, but then come back and say “ I SAW Nothing” It was very obvious that he was visualising from an NLP perspective, and that when he communicated he also used highly visual words. But could not consciously SEE them.

Hence him saying, “I need to SEE it.”  You could not ask him to imagine something, because he couldn’t, or rather he did not know how to consciously construct imagery, but would construct imagery if explaining something. One would have to show him, that is demonstrate it. Or draw it.

I am sure you can appreciate, the difficulty in representing something like this via this medium on the web, without actually seeing him and describing the different contexts of when and when he is not visualising and what his other systems where doing.

You wrote: -
"The sentence, "I can not SEE what you are TALKING about" indicates incongruity betweeen the systems."

It is not that there is incongruity between the systems because he cannot consciously SEE what the other person is trying to get him to visualise.

I would like to understand your meaning of "incongruety between the systems" Which systems specifically and how are they incongruent? So that I can better reply to you. Thanks.

I am certainly interested to learn more about DD, from his website he seem to be a very down to earth person. Thanks for that

Iam sure I can get a HANDLE on what you are SAYING, but I shall ORCHASTRATE my mind such that in the future I will be able to understand this CONCRETE HARMONIOUS AND BRIGHT concept more AVIDLY.


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TopicDate PostedPosted By
Mind's eye17/07/2003 12:00:04Troy
     ReReRe:Mind's eye17/07/2003 13:37:44Tony
     Re:Mind's eye18/07/2003 09:00:56troy
          Re:Re:Mind's eye18/07/2003 09:41:19Michael Worthington
     Re:Mind's eye18/07/2003 10:19:09Robert Ballentine
          Re:Re:Mind's eye18/07/2003 12:07:08Avid Golfer
               Re:Re:Re:Mind's eye18/07/2003 14:48:53Robert Ballentine
          Re:Re:Mind's eye18/07/2003 12:26:26Tony
               Re:Re:Re:Mind's eye19/07/2003 10:14:40John Grinder
                    Re:Re:Re:Re:Mind's eye19/07/2003 18:38:44Golf Swing Modeler
                    Re:Re:Re:Re:Mind's eye20/07/2003 16:17:05Tony
                         Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Mind's eye21/07/2003 14:00:46John Grinder
                              Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Mind's eye21/07/2003 14:16:13Tony
                              Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Mind's eye25/07/2003 02:59:48Tony
                                   Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Mind's eye25/07/2003 12:44:27John Grinder
                                        Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Mind's eye26/07/2003 15:26:29Tony
                                             Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Mind's eye27/07/2003 14:18:59John Grinder
                                                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Mind's eye27/07/2003 15:39:32Sean
                                                       ReRe:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Mind's eye28/07/2003 23:06:14Sean

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