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Topic: To:JR, Re: relevancy of your request to the content of 'Whispering In The Wind'
Posted by: nj
Date/Time: 13/08/2002 08:59:22

Hi, JR.

In the post that this post replies to, you wrote:

"I would be very grateful to read various ways in which members of this list denominalize the word 'attention'."

NLP authors have used the word 'attention' as a synonym for the term 'perceptual position'.  Are you going to address that usage of the term 'attention'? 

Do you want an answer to your request that relates to the content of the book 'Whispering In The Wind'?  I may provide you definitions of 'attention' or examples of people attending.  But what content of the book 'Whispering In The Wind' will you relate my answer to?  Tell me how your request relates to the content of 'Whispering In The Wind', so that I can discuss the term 'attention' in the context you intend.

As a guest of this forum, I'm searching for threads that discuss the content of 'Whispering In The Wind'.  If you did not make your request to start a discussion of the contents of 'Whispering In The Wind', let me know.


Entire Thread

TopicDate PostedPosted By
'attention' as nominalization12/08/2002 04:29:47J Rose
     Re:'attention' as nominalization13/08/2002 03:08:17Constance
          Re:Re:'attention' as nominalization13/08/2002 12:47:11J Rose
               Re:Re:Re:'attention' as nominalization13/08/2002 19:01:53Constance
     To:JR, Re: relevancy of your request to the content of 'Whispering In The Wind'13/08/2002 08:59:22nj
     Re:'attention' as nominalization13/08/2002 21:51:56Dimitry
          Re:Re:'attention' as nominalization14/08/2002 04:26:56Gunthar Freidinger
               Re:Re:Re:'attention' as nominalization14/08/2002 15:27:29Thomas
                    Re:Re:Re:Re:'attention' as nominalization15/08/2002 03:22:14Gunthar Freidinger

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