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Topic: Re:Re:Re:Reframing parts = representations of other people
Posted by: Jim R
Date/Time: 04/09/2002 18:06:45


I used TO DO this ALL THE TIME:)

I'd have a less than satisfying interaction with someone and the  way I handled it is to do EXACTLY what you've been doing. and of course I'd experience frustration, anger,etc also.
Its an incredibly ineffective mental strategy albeit very well intentioned. and its got nothing to do with "a part of you"

The better strategy is to stop the imaginary interactions(with any internal dialogue/monologue that probably goes with it) and start paying more attention to how you could conduct yourself so that you start having more satisfying relationships with the people you know .  and that begins with getting out of your head and then noticing the impact you have on people and changing your behavior accordingly.

I'd suggest 2 things:

1)doing an NLP "uptime" exercise as the  alternative to doing these imaginary interactions

Uptime exercise:
a)start by describing VERBALLY 2 things you see in your VISUAL external environment, then 2 things you hear in your auditory external environment, then 2 things you feel tactilely.
2)REPEAT,this time with 3 things visually, 3auditory and 3 kinesthetically

Once you've rehearsed this exercise enough, you'll be out of your head much more.

then when time and $$$$ permit, go take an NLP Practitioner course from a credible trainer and learn how to verbally and nonverbally get rapport with people.

hope that helps

Jim R
Houston TX

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TopicDate PostedPosted By
Reframing parts = representations of other people03/09/2002 15:46:17lager
     Re:Reframing parts = representations of other people03/09/2002 16:18:39Tone
          Re:Re:Reframing parts = representations of other people03/09/2002 22:25:44lager
     Re:Reframing parts = representations of other people04/09/2002 00:52:05John Grinder and Carmen Bostic St. Clair
     Re:Reframing parts = representations of other people04/09/2002 00:52:12John Grinder and Carmen Bostic St. Clair
          Re:Re:Reframing parts = representations of other people04/09/2002 02:07:36lager
               Re:Re:Re:Reframing parts = representations of other people04/09/2002 14:23:26Gene Bryson
               Re:Re:Re:Reframing parts = representations of other people04/09/2002 18:06:45Jim R
               To: Lager, Re: logical types (new code)05/09/2002 01:09:27nj
                    Re:To: Lager, Re: logical types (new code)07/09/2002 03:58:43lager
                         Re:Re:To: Lager, Re: logical types (new code)07/09/2002 06:01:44nj
     Re:Reframing parts = representations of other people04/09/2002 19:28:21Carmen Bostic St. Clair and John Grinder
          Re:Re:Reframing parts = representations of other people04/09/2002 20:08:39Jim R
          ReReReReReReReReReRe Re:Re:Reframing parts = representations of other people06/09/2002 00:10:28kc
          Re:Re:Reframing parts = representations of other people06/09/2002 15:48:02lager

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