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Topic: Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Topic: NLPapplication Ethics, A principle of matching connotation of client communications
Posted by: Pete West
Date/Time: 22/12/2003 10:46:16


I wrote,

"Steve Andreas modeled a process which might be useful (to you and me both).  I believe that it’s called “Responding to Criticism”.  Have you tried it on?"

The process to which I refer in the above quote is actually entitled, "A Strategy for Responding to Criticism".  Some of the consequences of the use of this process (according to the author of the advertisement for the video of this process available for $40.00 (+)S/H at are that the user of the process allegedly learns: "how to take feedback comfortably without blowing your stack or feeling bad...Andreas teaches a technique that allows a person to hear criticism, decide whether or not it has merit, and choose comfortably what to do about it (if anything)."


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TopicDate PostedPosted By
Topic: NLPapplication Ethics, A principle of matching connotation of client communications12/10/2003 03:05:59nj
     Re:Topic: NLPapplication Ethics, A principle of matching connotation of client communications12/10/2003 17:57:12zhizhichien
          Re:Re:Topic: NLPapplication Ethics, A principle of matching connotation of client communications14/10/2003 01:04:42nj
     Re:Topic: NLPapplication Ethics, A principle of matching connotation of client communications14/10/2003 01:52:29nj
          Re:Re:Topic: NLPapplication Ethics, A principle of matching connotation of client communications17/10/2003 21:24:43nj
               illocution, perlocution, and metaphorical therapeutic communication.23/10/2003 21:54:51nj
                    Re:illocution, perlocution, and metaphorical therapeutic communication.25/10/2003 10:41:00nj
     Re:Topic: NLPapplication Ethics, A principle of matching connotation of client communications21/12/2003 10:29:28nj
          Re:Re:Topic: NLPapplication Ethics, A principle of matching connotation of client communications21/12/2003 13:44:20Kate
               Re:Re:Re:Topic: NLPapplication Ethics, A principle of matching connotation of client communications21/12/2003 20:29:49nj
               Re:Re:Re:Topic: NLPapplication Ethics, A principle of matching connotation of client communications22/12/2003 08:25:58Michael Carroll
                    Re:Re:Re:Re:Topic: NLPapplication Ethics, A principle of matching connotation of client communications22/12/2003 09:55:31Pete West
                         Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Topic: NLPapplication Ethics, A principle of matching connotation of client communications22/12/2003 10:46:16Pete West
                              Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Topic: NLPapplication Ethics, A principle of matching connotation of client communicat23/12/2003 04:42:00kate
                    Re:Re:Re:Re:Topic: NLPapplication Ethics, A principle of matching connotation of client communications22/12/2003 23:34:38Kate
          Re:Re:Topic: NLPapplication Ethics, A principle of matching connotation of client communications26/12/2003 12:09:42nj
               Re:Re:Re:Topic: NLPapplication Ethics, A principle of matching connotation of client communications26/12/2003 12:14:21nj
               Re:Re:Re:Topic: NLPapplication Ethics, A principle of matching connotation of client communications26/12/2003 19:23:57nj
               Re:Re:Re:Topic: NLPapplication Ethics, A principle of matching connotation of client communications08/02/2004 00:49:11nj
     Re:Topic: NLPapplication Ethics, A principle of matching connotation of client communications28/12/2003 12:15:09Anthony
          Re:Re:Topic: NLPapplication Ethics, A principle of matching connotation of client communications29/12/2003 00:55:24nj
               Re:Re:Re:Topic: NLPapplication Ethics, A principle of matching connotation of client communications29/12/2003 20:38:25Anthony

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