Forum Message

Topic: Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:'Ye 'Old code.
Posted by: Gabriel Guerrero
Date/Time: 07/10/2002 06:28:45


I tried to make it friendly.

You use sarcasm to point out ONE phrase included on my message. On which you said: "In fact, Carmen hasn't even seen the statement yet."

Let me just remind you I was answering a message you send using a "John & Carmen" address.
And that on your statement (pg 261) about not finding new patterns on DHE you used "I" to start off the phrase, so that means only ONE person was involved on writting that.

Was it you or Carmen? Or was it another example of you exquisite collaboration.

I won't argue no more because it is your website.

I clarified that what you wrote on your book about the existence of a DHE book is WRONG, and since apparently there is not going to be a friendly conversation (unless you consider friendly using sarcasm)... I'll simply stop answering.

(BTW you never got the name right)

PS - After this message: "Congradulations - this will serve as a excellent example of monumental Cause-Effect semantic ill-formedness for trainers in the future work."
It is clear to me that I can use examples of how you terribly miss use the spanish language on your public presentations... only for trainers to learn how not to use the spanish language in the future work.
Want examples??? e-mail me privately!

Entire Thread

TopicDate PostedPosted By
'Ye 'Old code.16/08/2002 02:29:14Zaphod
     Re:'Ye 'Old code.16/08/2002 05:48:24nj
     Re:'Ye 'Old code.16/08/2002 17:32:05John Grinder
          Re:Re:'Ye 'Old code.02/10/2002 02:06:03Gabriel Guerrero
               Re:Re:Re:'Ye 'Old code.02/10/2002 04:28:19John Grinder and Carmen Bostic
                    Re:Re:Re:Re:'Ye 'Old code.02/10/2002 16:17:01Gabriel Guerrero
                         Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:'Ye 'Old code.03/10/2002 17:31:08John Grinder
                         Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:'Ye 'Old code.03/10/2002 17:31:22John Grinder
                              Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:'Ye 'Old code.07/10/2002 06:28:45Gabriel Guerrero
                         Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:'Ye 'Old code.04/10/2002 05:27:30Pam
               Re:Re:Re:'Ye 'Old code.02/10/2002 06:28:57mr X
                    Restaurant at the end of the Universe.02/10/2002 14:07:48Zaphod
                         ReRe:Restaurant at the end of the Universe.04/10/2002 03:59:12mel
                              more of the same12/10/2002 15:01:09Zaphod
                                   shameness with difference16/10/2002 04:32:13Burned Coffee
                                        Re:shameness with difference16/10/2002 04:58:24stumped
                                        It is no cure for missionaries disease16/10/2002 05:32:04Petty Tyrants
     Re:'Ye 'Old code.08/10/2002 14:25:53Robert
          ReReReReRe:Re:'Ye 'Old code.19/10/2002 02:01:36bob grieg
               Re:ReReReReRe:Re:'Ye 'Old code.21/10/2002 20:41:00Robert (SwedishNLP)
                    Re:Re:ReReReReRe:Re:'Ye 'Old code.21/10/2002 21:08:52bob greig
                    Re:Re:ReReReReRe:Re:'Ye 'Old code.22/10/2002 00:05:06kc
                    Re:ReReRe:ReReReReRe:Re:'Ye 'Old code.23/10/2002 10:05:02kc

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