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Topic: Re:Where and how I see meta states fitting in.
Posted by: Jon Edwards
Date/Time: 13/11/2002 13:38:38

Feel like I'm stepping into the Lion's Den, but maybe the perspective of a relative newcomer can help a little.

I wonder if what underlies the disagreement is the process vs. content distinction?

Say you have a client who presents a problem called agoraphobia. It turns out that she was bullied at school, and in some social situations, memories of the bullying are triggered and she suffers panic-attacks. She has become so scared of those panic-attacks that she has developed a sort of phobic-reaction to them, and so withdraws from social contact to avoid the possibility that they might be triggered.

The meta-states approach (if I understand correctly) suggests that the phobic-reaction is a meta-state to the panic-attacks, and the "agoraphobia" is a meta-state to the phobic-reaction. Furthermore, it suggests that it is important to understand this chain of states in order to be able to help the client.

The New Code NLP approach suggests that the "content" - the chain that causes the states - is not relevant. You just apply simple procedures to tackle the problem. If another problem surfaces during the procedures, you tackle the second problem in a similar way... rinse and repeat until satisfied.

It could be argued that the meta-states approach ensures that all levels of the "problem" are tackled, but equally, good use of ecology checks (and/or checking with the unconscious that the solution is satisfactory) will achieve the same outcome.

Seems, to me, to be a similar difference on the Meta Model - Dr Hall feels it is important to identify every possible variation (content), whereas John and Carmen look for the underlying algorithm (process) from which all the variations are derived.

It reminds me of those amazing Fractal Images that were so popular a few years ago. You could write a long description of one of those images, covering every detail and colour variation. Or you could define the underlying formula that, when continually applied to its own result, produces the patterns.

They are two different approaches, and while John and Carmen favour the second approach, their underlying point is that the two should be recognised as different. The approach taken by Neurosemantics is sufficiently different to the approach taken by (John and Carmen's definition of) NLP that they feel it should be given a different label to avoid confusion. You might prefer Neurosemantics, you might prefer NLP, you might use both - but they are different.

The Neurosemanticians may argue that John does not have the right to define what is and isn't NLP, but I'd  argue that it's a generally accepted "social norm" of scientific endeavour that the person(s) who creates a field is entitled to define what is and is not included in that field.

Cheers, Jon

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TopicDate PostedPosted By
Meta-States in 17/10/2002 19:03:25L. Michael Hall, Ph.D.
     Re:Meta-States in 18/10/2002 02:22:33The Other Side of Summer
          Re:Re:Meta-States in 11/11/2002 15:40:25Jurek
     Re: Correct me if I am wrong..18/10/2002 17:43:16Tone
          Re:ReReRe:Correct me if I am right or wrong..18/10/2002 23:55:08sammy
          Re:ReReRe:Correct me if I am right or wrong..18/10/2002 23:57:10sammy
          Re:ReReRe:Correct me if I am right or wrong..18/10/2002 23:57:27sammy
               Re:Re:ReReRe:Correct me if I am right or wrong..20/10/2002 21:49:10Stephen
                    Re:Re:Re:ReReRe:Correct me if I am right or wrong..23/10/2002 13:55:19Caefu
                         Re:Re:Re:Re:ReReRe:Correct me if I am right or wrong..23/10/2002 16:20:13Tag
                              Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:ReReRe:Correct me if I am right or wrong..23/10/2002 17:20:56Caefu
                                   Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:ReReRe:Correct me if I am right or wrong..31/10/2002 14:27:12Loiusea Marnie
                                        Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:ReReRe:Correct me if I am right or wrong..04/11/2002 23:52:34thepropagandist
                                             Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:ReReRe:Correct me if I am right or wrong..05/11/2002 12:15:20John Grinder
                                                  Please, correct me if I am wrong.06/11/2002 08:56:00propman
                                                       Re:Please, correct me if I am wrong.08/11/2002 15:26:54Hello Propman
                                                            Re:Re:Please, correct me if I am wrong.08/11/2002 19:27:46Caefu
                                                                 Re:Re:Re:Please, correct me if I am wrong.09/11/2002 01:56:48Michael Carroll
                                                                      Re:Re:Re:Re:Please, correct me if I am wrong.09/11/2002 18:17:11Dr Peter Davies
                                                                           Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Please, correct me if I am wrong.10/11/2002 00:20:31Michael Carroll
                                                                                Where and how I see meta states fitting in.12/11/2002 22:15:41Peter Davies
                                                                                     Re:Where and how I see meta states fitting in.13/11/2002 00:21:25thepropagandist
                                                                                          Re:Re:Where and how I see meta states fitting in.13/11/2002 00:22:22thepropagandist
                                                                                     To Peter Davies13/11/2002 03:28:32Michael Carrol
                                                                                     Re:Where and how I see meta states fitting in.13/11/2002 13:38:38Jon Edwards
                                                                                Please, correct me if I am wrong.13/11/2002 23:10:28propman
                                                                           Re:Re:Re:Re:Re Re:Please, Just another whisper10/11/2002 00:46:04mel
                                                                                Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re Re:Please, Just another whisper11/11/2002 07:37:56Peter Davies
                                                                      Re:Re:Re:Re:Please, correct me if I am wrong.11/11/2002 15:10:06Caefu
                                                                           Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Please, correct me if I am wrong.11/11/2002 15:51:42Caefu
                                                                      Re:Re:Re:Re:Please, correct me if I am wrong.21/01/2003 21:02:33Michael Worthington
                                                                 Re:Re:Re: A meta whisper09/11/2002 21:38:20Robert Holzhauser
                                                                      Re:Re:Re:Re: A meta whisper10/11/2002 10:11:53Robert
                                                                           Re:Re Re:Re:Re:Re: A meta whisper10/11/2002 10:22:06bert
                                                                                Re:Re:Re Re:Re:Re:Re: A meta whisper12/11/2002 07:50:31Robert
                                                             correct me if I am wrong.14/01/2003 12:26:49JT

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