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Topic: Application - Best Ways To Catalogue State
Posted by: Michael
Date/Time: 26/11/2002 11:32:35

Hi John, Carmen & Everyone Else!

This is a different question to most others and I hope the answer will be as useful to many of you as I expect it will be to me!

John, Carmen or anyone else: what is the most powerful and effective way or ways to catalogue different states of consciousness so you can get immediate access to them when ever you want?

To me, state mastery is critical in modeling, using NLP applications and in living an extraordinary life. And the more flexibility in the number and quality of states you can access, the richer your life will be.

But... I'm running out of fingers and places on my body to anchor :)

And when I use icons (pictures) or sounds as visual and auditory anchors I soon forget what the anchor was!

There's got to be an easier way... or at least a great way to easily remember what the anchors I've created are!

Maybe the question I should ask is: John, what's the easiest way to get so good at hallucinating that I can just look out into my collection of anchors and easily see the different visual icons I can use (rather than "trying" to remember what the icons were)?

Thanks for your help,


P.S. John, with you focus on your unconscious choosing the desired state, do use content anchors for states so you can access states at will? Or do you instead use process anchors ... anchors that initiate unconscious processes so your unconscious chooses the content? I hope you understand what I'm saying... I'm in a rush and don't have time to explain it in more familiar NLP terms.

Entire Thread

TopicDate PostedPosted By
Application - Best Ways To Catalogue State26/11/2002 11:32:35Michael
     Re:Application - Best Ways To Catalogue State27/11/2002 06:50:36Keith Fail
          Re:Re:Application - Best Ways To Catalogue State27/11/2002 11:11:25Michael
               Re:Re:Re:Application - Best Ways To Catalogue State27/11/2002 14:30:12Lewis Walker
     Re:Application - Best Ways To Catalogue State27/11/2002 15:45:57John Grinder
          Re:Re:Re:Application - Best Ways To Catalogue State27/11/2002 17:41:09kc
          Re:Re:Application - Best Ways To Catalogue State28/11/2002 04:59:56John
               Re:Re:Re:Application - Best Ways To Catalogue State28/11/2002 19:29:23John Grinder
                    Re:Re:Re:Re:Application - Best Ways To Catalogue State28/11/2002 20:15:26John
                         ReRe:Re:Re:Re:Re:Application - Best Ways To Catalogue State01/12/2002 15:09:48candy
                              Re:ReRe:Re:Re:Re:Re:Application - Best Ways To Catalogue State02/12/2002 01:21:19Whispering net suppost
          Re:Re:Application - Best Ways To Catalogue State03/07/2003 00:20:33Julian
               Re:Re:Re:Application - Best Ways To Catalogue State04/07/2003 18:12:57John Grinder
                    Re:Re:Re:Re:Application - Best Ways To Catalogue State04/07/2003 19:06:33Spike
                         Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Application - Best Ways To Catalogue State05/07/2003 18:35:15John Grinder
          Re:Re:Application - Best Ways To Catalogue State30/07/2003 13:17:26James O'Malley

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