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Topic: Re:Re:This forum
Posted by: Robert
Date/Time: 28/10/2003 07:05:04

"Provide some CONCRETE suggestions for change."

Your doing modeling - go model.

I did provide concreate suggestions that the forum dosnt work.

I do not work with change or NLP for that matter as define in whispering.

Still, what would you do if I suggested some concreate suggestion?

And please use normal english wtf does comparative deletions and modal operators necessity mean really?

Who talks like that normally?

No wonders people think NLP is complicated.

Michael, you know me, so if I write something like that surely that means that I also could suggest concreate sugegstions.

I didnt.

Now you know that this forum needs an improvement.

I am not the model to use however,
this type of forum like or is the type of php forums that allows at least for an easier faq, easier to delete post and offers different posts on different subjects and also offers moderators on those subjects.

Having fun.


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TopicDate PostedPosted By
This forum26/10/2003 22:23:49Robert
     Re:This forum26/10/2003 22:55:47Michael Carroll
          Re:Re:This forum27/10/2003 00:17:03George
               Re:Re:Re:This forum27/10/2003 00:53:51z
               Re:Re:Re:This forum27/10/2003 00:56:25Michael Carroll
                    Re:Re:Re:Re:This forum27/10/2003 01:38:42Todd
          Re:Re:This forum27/10/2003 00:52:20z
          Re:Re:This forum28/10/2003 07:05:04Robert
     Re:This forum27/10/2003 01:41:34Todd
     Re:This forum27/10/2003 06:30:23nj
          Re:Re:This forum27/10/2003 06:39:35nj
               Re:Re:Re:This forum28/10/2003 11:04:03Pete West
                    Re:Re:Re:Re:This forum28/10/2003 11:10:33Pete West
                         Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:This forum28/10/2003 13:11:24JM
                              Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:This forum28/10/2003 20:02:53Pete West
                                   Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:This forum28/10/2003 20:18:42Pete West
                                        Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:This forum28/10/2003 22:00:33nj
                    Re:Re:Re:Re:This forum28/10/2003 21:51:42nj
                         Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:This forum28/10/2003 22:05:14nj
          Hello, Michael. Thanks for a decent search engine.17/01/2004 21:35:44nj
               The Notion of Community ~ (Caution a bit of a Rant)19/01/2004 08:48:27Stephen Bray
                    Re:The Notion of Community ~ (Caution a bit of a Rant)20/01/2004 04:43:03nj
                         Re:Re:The Notion of Community ~ (Caution a bit of a Rant)20/01/2004 05:46:59Stephen Bray

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