Forum Message

Topic: Re:Communicate with the unconscious
Posted by: Brian Mahoney
Date/Time: 08/04/2005 18:23:15

Hi Jaqueline-

Just an extra word from someone who went through a similar process a couple of years back - hang in there.  It took me quite a while to get the signals I was getting straight.  I'd feel them all over my body - there was no consistent yes/no signal.  Eventually I realized every twitch on the left was 'yes' and everything on the right was 'no.'  My approach was to just hang in there, be nice and keep asking.  The effort paid off.

And while I'm making this rare departure from my usual lurking - a couple of questions for others who have this system set up. 

-Have any of you asked questions of your unconscious and received answers that were clear but wrong?  If so were you able to make any changes that helped prevent a repeat occurrence?

-Once you had the basic yes/no system set up, was there anything you did to refine it that turned out to be particularly useful?  I'm often challenged by unclear signals or strong signals that I can't get a meaning out of.  My attempts at improvement haven't met with success and any tips would be much appreciated.



P.S.  If you work with clients, this is lot of fun to teach them.  You'll see some very surprised faces!

Entire Thread

TopicDate PostedPosted By
Communicate with the unconscious06/04/2005 03:36:33Jacqueline
     Re:Communicate with the unconscious06/04/2005 09:26:07Thim Liew
     Re:Communicate with the unconscious06/04/2005 21:25:34LurkerBoi
     Re:Communicate with the unconscious07/04/2005 10:59:56John Grinder
          Re:Re:Communicate with the unconscious08/04/2005 22:13:27Robert
          Re:Re:Communicate with the unconscious24/04/2005 23:19:11Thomas William Heard
               Re:Re:Re:Communicate with the unconscious25/04/2005 20:37:28John Grinder
                    Re:Re:Re:Re:Communicate with the unconscious25/04/2005 23:43:57Thomas William Heard
     Re:Communicate with the unconscious08/04/2005 18:23:15Brian Mahoney
     Re:Communicate with the unconscious10/04/2005 01:09:00Jacqueline
     Re:Communicate with the unconscious17/04/2005 13:39:05Russell
          Re:Re:Communicate with the unconscious - Part 102/05/2005 20:36:42Mark MacLean
               Re:Re:Re:Communicate with the unconscious - Part 103/05/2005 15:53:15Greg Turner
                    Re:Re:Re:Re:Communicate with the unconscious - Part 103/05/2005 22:04:09Mark MacLean
               Re:Re:Re:Communicate with the unconscious - Part 203/05/2005 21:50:28Mark MacLean
                    Re:Re:Re:Re:Communicate with the unconscious - Part 204/05/2005 14:29:22Venus
                         Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Communicate with the unconscious - Part 204/05/2005 20:47:08Mark MacLean
                    Re:Re:Re:Re:Communicate with the unconscious - Part 3A04/05/2005 19:39:40Mark MacLean

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