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Topic: Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Feed Forward of Experience
Posted by: John Grinder
Date/Time: 27/02/2003 16:40:14

Hi Eric

You wrote,

"John, would you please elaborate on how you do the generalization part, as this is a peice I've had some trouble with lately in my work personally (more success w/ others than myself in this case). In a couple situations I've done things which were counterexamples, and which didn't generalize. Specifically in cases where there are/were multiple conflicting beliefs."

I think that you answered your own question: allow me to clarify:

If the experience/behavior that a client is seeking is blocked (incongruent with) several beliefs, then creating a counter-example through the deign of a task (see page 204 - 207 in Whispering) that successfully challenges the specific belief that the task was designed to challenge. This may have no impact on other beliefs also blocking the experience/behavior the client is seeking - it is typical is cases of dependency (drugs, food, co-dependency...) to use an analogy and the application of some version of 6 step re-framing for there to be more than one secondary gain or payoff - each must be respected in selecting new behaviors (or states... depending on the level at which the intervention occurs) to replace the behavior the client want to change. In the context of changing beliefs, the same principle applies - the experience/behavior sought by the client will emerge (the generalization will occur) just in case you nail all the beliefs in place that block the desired experience/belief.

I note that you mentioned that the failure to generalize cases are personal application. Two comments: congratulations, I certainly hope that others take your example as an inspiration and insist as a personal challenge on learning self application of each and every one of the patterns coded in NLP application - this is an essential element of mastery. Secondly, it is a bit difficult in the particular format described in Whispering to do self application as one of key points is that the purpose of the task (to violate the limiting belief system) is to be hidden from the conscious mind of the client so as to avoid activation of the conscious filters (f2) that would interfere with the carrying out of the task. The only way I know of to self apply this format is to identify the limiting beliefs and request of the unconscious a series of experiences (tasks from an agent of change's point of view) that are counterexamples to these beliefs. This works well however the degree of rapport and cooperation between conscious and unconscious processes that it implies is typical advanced enough that simply thinking about it will change it (assuming proper framing and involuntary signal systems).

2, You wrote,

"So, for example, you take a kid (22 years) who's been told his whole life that he's developmentally un-able. Then you give him amnesia, and put him through a semester at Harvard. After the semester, you wake him up. What happens?"

It depends on what you think of the quality of the educational system at Harvard - I can imagine a range of responses from running away from Harvard, indeed more generally Boston, with fear and loathing to (assuming that the 22 year old had done well - grades and all that) quietly packing up and looking for a genuine challenge - there are other possibilities.

All the best,


Entire Thread

TopicDate PostedPosted By
Feed Forward of Experience25/02/2003 19:25:04Eric
     Re:Feed Forward of Experience26/02/2003 19:16:22John Grinder
          Re:Re:Feed Forward of Experience26/02/2003 20:56:12Eric Rudnick
               Re:Re:Re:Feed Forward of Experience26/02/2003 21:10:13John Grinder
                    Re:Re:Re:Re:Feed Forward of Experience27/02/2003 02:12:15Eric Rudnick
                         Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Feed Forward of Experience27/02/2003 16:40:14John Grinder
                              Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Feed Forward of Experience02/03/2003 05:07:41Eric Rudnick

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