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Topic: Re:'Ye 'Old code.
Posted by: nj
Date/Time: 16/08/2002 05:48:24

Hello, Zaphod.

In the post that this post replies to, you wrote:
"Mr. Grinder;

It would initiate great pleasure with me to read of your response to the question of what is the difference between NLP™ and Design Human Engineering™?

Thanks in advance for your attention and contribution to this endeavor once called NLP."

On page 261 of the book "Whispering In The Wind", Dr. Grinder & Ms. Bostic St Clair write:

"I confess that I have been unsuccessful in discovering any new patterning in the published work that has appeared under the title of 'Design of Human Engineering'.  What should be clear to the informed reader of these documents is an extended mixture of classic Ericksonian hypnotic patterning and the manipulation of submodalities. An e-conversation with Denis Bridoux confirmed this.  At the same time, he (Denis) offered a description of a clever skill-installation strategy that apparently functions without mapping the tacit knowledge of the model onto an explicit representation - one that was accomplished thorough the manipulation of these two sets of variables.  Perhaps Bandler's oral presentations in seminars contain some genuinely new patterning or applications."

I don't think Dr. Grinder and Ms. Bostic St Clair know more about DHE than they summarize in their writing on page 261 of their book.  Maybe you can find Mr. Denis Bridoux, and get more information about the skill-installation strategy that Dr. Grinder and Ms. Bostic St. Clair mentioned.  Maybe Dr. Grinder will answer your post by explaining the skill-installation strategy that Bandler presents in DHE seminars. 

I'm curious to read Dr. Grinder's answer to your question.


Entire Thread

TopicDate PostedPosted By
'Ye 'Old code.16/08/2002 02:29:14Zaphod
     Re:'Ye 'Old code.16/08/2002 05:48:24nj
     Re:'Ye 'Old code.16/08/2002 17:32:05John Grinder
          Re:Re:'Ye 'Old code.02/10/2002 02:06:03Gabriel Guerrero
               Re:Re:Re:'Ye 'Old code.02/10/2002 04:28:19John Grinder and Carmen Bostic
                    Re:Re:Re:Re:'Ye 'Old code.02/10/2002 16:17:01Gabriel Guerrero
                         Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:'Ye 'Old code.03/10/2002 17:31:08John Grinder
                         Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:'Ye 'Old code.03/10/2002 17:31:22John Grinder
                              Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:'Ye 'Old code.07/10/2002 06:28:45Gabriel Guerrero
                         Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:'Ye 'Old code.04/10/2002 05:27:30Pam
               Re:Re:Re:'Ye 'Old code.02/10/2002 06:28:57mr X
                    Restaurant at the end of the Universe.02/10/2002 14:07:48Zaphod
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     Re:'Ye 'Old code.08/10/2002 14:25:53Robert
          ReReReReRe:Re:'Ye 'Old code.19/10/2002 02:01:36bob grieg
               Re:ReReReReRe:Re:'Ye 'Old code.21/10/2002 20:41:00Robert (SwedishNLP)
                    Re:Re:ReReReReRe:Re:'Ye 'Old code.21/10/2002 21:08:52bob greig
                    Re:Re:ReReReReRe:Re:'Ye 'Old code.22/10/2002 00:05:06kc
                    Re:ReReRe:ReReReReRe:Re:'Ye 'Old code.23/10/2002 10:05:02kc

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