Forum Message

Topic: Re:moving people into change
Posted by: Todd
Date/Time: 21/10/2003 03:05:19


This is an inportant question and I can appreciate your interest in effective therapy. I have a couple questions to help me understand yours more...

How do you define an effective therapist?
Do you have any therapists that you know or know of that you consider more effective?

Lastly, at the risk of intruding:
What, if you had the answer to this question would you gain?

Put another way, what would the answer do for you?


Entire Thread

TopicDate PostedPosted By
moving people into change20/10/2003 17:33:09Eric
     Re:moving people into change21/10/2003 03:05:19Todd
          Re:Re:moving people into change21/10/2003 04:02:19Eric
     Re:moving people into change21/10/2003 04:08:07Jim R
          Re: moving people into change22/10/2003 12:31:56Jason B
               Re:Re: moving people into change22/10/2003 13:02:06Eric
               Re:Re: moving people into change22/10/2003 19:57:44n
          Re:Re:moving people into change22/10/2003 17:15:58John Grinder
     Re:moving people into change21/10/2003 13:46:53John Schertzer
          Re:Re:moving people into change04/11/2003 09:24:24Mark MacLean

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