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Topic: Re:Re:Communicate with the unconscious - Part 1
Posted by: Mark MacLean
Date/Time: 02/05/2005 20:36:42

To everyone in this thread,

Helping people discover these signals, (and playing with my own), is one of my favorite parts of NLP (New Code), and I laughed and smiled several times while reading this particular thread, (perhaps one of the more obvious (and often missed) unconscious signals available). ;-)

Who’d have thought that communicating with yourself would be so difficult/tricky?

In any are a few more ideas/frames for those that may be going through this exercise for the first time (consciously), and/or have been struggling to sort these signals out. I hope they help, and please keep us posted as you continue to discover the ways in which you best communicate with yourself. (I've broken this post into parts as it got a little long).

First of all, it may be of benefit to recognize (or remember) that this whole notion of conscious/unconscious communication is only a (well established) metaphor; (albeit a fairly useful one), which, when acted "as-if" upon, offers us a stronger and clearer epistemological approach to the ways in which we process information and operate in the world.

Also, from my experience, the unconscious responding enthusiastically when first offered the opportunity to communicate explicitly with the conscious is a common one, and has been echoed consistently when (I’ve been) working with new people.

So let’s get to it. . . Who’s unconscious is this anyway?
And what would be the value of this type of communication (both for your conscious and your unconscious)?
If this is to be a partnership, what are the benefits to each part?
Under what circumstances would either part want to communicate with the other if neither felt that there were any benefits?
Would it be useful to ask your unconscious Kinesthetic style questions like: Does it have anything it would like to get “off it’s chest”, or “out of it’s system”?

That considered:

What would be the best way for you to communicate with yourself?
How do you think you would like to be talked to?
(John’s “thank you” with a respectful touch, is only one of many approaches)
What would be the most effective way to communicate with this other part of you...and forget about a coach (not really...but my point is)...wouldn’t you know what would work best for you?
Remember, you’re in this together aren’t you?
This isn’t another person you need to “deal with”…it’s you…isn’t it?
Do you want to spend 2-3 hours working things out?
Or would a 3-4 minute conversation do?
Eventually what would be the ideal relationship between you two?

As mentioned, I've got more to post on this subject, but I'll leave this for now as "Part 1", and post the rest later, (as I continue to sort it out),


Mark MacLean

Entire Thread

TopicDate PostedPosted By
Communicate with the unconscious06/04/2005 03:36:33Jacqueline
     Re:Communicate with the unconscious06/04/2005 09:26:07Thim Liew
     Re:Communicate with the unconscious06/04/2005 21:25:34LurkerBoi
     Re:Communicate with the unconscious07/04/2005 10:59:56John Grinder
          Re:Re:Communicate with the unconscious08/04/2005 22:13:27Robert
          Re:Re:Communicate with the unconscious24/04/2005 23:19:11Thomas William Heard
               Re:Re:Re:Communicate with the unconscious25/04/2005 20:37:28John Grinder
                    Re:Re:Re:Re:Communicate with the unconscious25/04/2005 23:43:57Thomas William Heard
     Re:Communicate with the unconscious08/04/2005 18:23:15Brian Mahoney
     Re:Communicate with the unconscious10/04/2005 01:09:00Jacqueline
     Re:Communicate with the unconscious17/04/2005 13:39:05Russell
          Re:Re:Communicate with the unconscious - Part 102/05/2005 20:36:42Mark MacLean
               Re:Re:Re:Communicate with the unconscious - Part 103/05/2005 15:53:15Greg Turner
                    Re:Re:Re:Re:Communicate with the unconscious - Part 103/05/2005 22:04:09Mark MacLean
               Re:Re:Re:Communicate with the unconscious - Part 203/05/2005 21:50:28Mark MacLean
                    Re:Re:Re:Re:Communicate with the unconscious - Part 204/05/2005 14:29:22Venus
                         Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Communicate with the unconscious - Part 204/05/2005 20:47:08Mark MacLean
                    Re:Re:Re:Re:Communicate with the unconscious - Part 3A04/05/2005 19:39:40Mark MacLean
                         Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Communicate with the unconscious - Part 3B11/05/2005 21:12:39Mark MacLean
                              Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Communicate with the unconscious - Part 3B12/05/2005 02:06:16njs
                                   Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Communicate with the unconscious - Part 3B18/05/2005 17:13:35Mark MacLean
                                        Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Communicate with the unconscious - Part 3B19/05/2005 02:21:57njs
                                             Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Communicate with the unconscious - Part 3B21/05/2005 23:30:48Mark MacLean
                                                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Communicate with the unconscious - Part 3B24/05/2005 01:59:26njs
                              Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Communicate with the unconscious - Part 3B19/05/2005 00:33:19Greg Turner
                                   Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Communicate with the unconscious - Part 3B21/05/2005 23:43:13Mark MacLean
                                        Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Communicate with the unconscious - Part 3B30/05/2005 09:38:32JPG
                                             Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Communicate with the unconscious - Part 3B30/05/2005 16:00:21Venus
                                             Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Communicate with the unconscious - Part 3B30/05/2005 16:02:33Greg Turner

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