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Topic: Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Utilizing Perceptual Positions in Modelling
Posted by: John Grinder and Carmen Bostic St. Clair
Date/Time: 19/09/2002 01:04:49

Mr. x

We assume that you are referring to our invitation to offer a concrete example of,

"As I understand your reply this definition of 1st is somewhat lacking, since it is possible to dream in 1st while experiencing things that are not experienced from ones bodys perceptual position."

You say,

"I imagine going out of the front door of my house, and flying at a low altitude to the center of the city, where I look at a certain building, notice how cold it is and that very few people are out now."

Is this equivalent to the same sentence with the addition of one word; namely, "myself" as in

"I imagine myself going out of the front..."

If so, then you are clearly in a 3rd, seeing (as you wrote "imaging") yourself in this adventure of the imagination. Apparently, if we understand what you wrote, you collapse your perceptual positin into the "displaced new 1st and have the assorted imaginary experienced described from this new perceptual displaced 1st position - this seems to be what you are reporting when you say,

"Some of the time I perceived what I did as if I had brought my body."

Now, if you catch sight of yourself from this new imaginary perceptual 1st, you would be once again in 3rd.

You might try reading the section in Whispering on pages 256 - 258 - perhaps that would be useful.

We have another question that we suspect might be useful in our attempt to respond to your questions: could you give us some indication what difference all of this classification makes? Or equivalently, what is the context of concrete application where these distinctions are useful?

All the best,

Carmen and John  

Entire Thread

TopicDate PostedPosted By
Utilizing Perceptual Positions in Modelling15/09/2002 04:23:40Gene Bryson
     Re:Utilizing Perceptual Positions in Modelling15/09/2002 05:43:22Carmen Bostic St. Clair and John Grinder
          ReRe:Re:Utilizing Perceptual Positions in Modelling15/09/2002 13:25:49kc
               Re:ReRe:Re:Utilizing Perceptual Positions in Modelling16/09/2002 14:20:30John Grinder
          Re:Utilizing Perceptual Positions in Modelling15/09/2002 20:57:35Gene Bryson
               Re:Re:Utilizing Perceptual Positions in Modelling16/09/2002 14:28:03Carmen Bostic St. Clair and John Grinder
                    Re:Re:Re:Utilizing Perceptual Positions in Modelling16/09/2002 15:59:32Gene Bryson
                         Re:Re:Re:Re:Utilizing Perceptual Positions in Modelling16/09/2002 19:55:01Carmen Bostic St. Clair and John Grinder
                              Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Utilizing Perceptual Positions in Modelling18/09/2002 00:08:01mr X
                    Re:Re:Re:Utilizing Perceptual Positions in Modelling17/09/2002 21:36:44mr X
                         Re:Re:Re:Re:Utilizing Perceptual Positions in Modelling18/09/2002 18:35:42Carmen Bostic St. Clair and John Grinder
                              Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Utilizing Perceptual Positions in Modelling18/09/2002 21:58:26mr X
                                   Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Utilizing Perceptual Positions in Modelling18/09/2002 23:17:58Carmen Bostic St. Clair and John Grinder
                                        Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Utilizing Perceptual Positions in Modelling19/09/2002 00:37:23mr X
                                             Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Utilizing Perceptual Positions in Modelling19/09/2002 01:04:49John Grinder and Carmen Bostic St. Clair
                                                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Utilizing Perceptual Positions in Modelling21/09/2002 18:02:35mr X
               Re:Re:Utilizing Perceptual Positions in Modelling22/11/2002 23:31:23jim lavery
                    Re:Re:Re:Utilizing Perceptual Positions in Modelling23/11/2002 16:34:02John Grinder
                         Re:Re:Re:Re:Utilizing Perceptual Positions in Modelling23/11/2002 16:51:31Bill T
                    Re:Re:Re:Utilizing Perceptual Positions in Modelling27/11/2002 16:25:34John Grinder

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