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Topic: Re:What is the definition of variables?
Posted by: John Grinder and Carmen Bostic
Date/Time: 08/05/2002 22:46:32


A complex set of observations and questions. We offer some responses as follows:

Variables can be usefully thought of as the distinctions which may assume different values of the domaim over which they are defined. Think of the relationship between algebra and arithmetic. The variables of algebra represent different domaims (typically in the number system) and may assume the value of any part of their domains. This is analogy but useful analogy. We will not pursue here the many distinctions with this general area but do recommend that you do (bound variables versus unbounded variables...).

State, BTW, is a rigorously defined notion in many fields - the origin in NLP of the use of this variable is Automata theory where it is the instantaneous description of the machine (read organism for NLP) of the system under study. In NLP, state is (in our opinion and work) must usefully defined with reference to physiology - see the section on the Chain of Excellence in the New Code portion of Whispering. Your comment that state in cybernetics is defined as the output that results given any particular input leaves out the critical issue of the state of the system upon receipt of the input involved. In Automata theory, for example, the rules that defines what the machine (organism) will do (output) is dependent not only on the input but crucially on the state the machine is in upon receipt of that input. The commom meaning of state is not too terribly off the mark as well - as you note.

You offer several sets of examples of possible variables - the meta model, the representational systems - indeed, your guesses are accurate within the sets so defined. What we were referring to in Whispering is the set of variables commom across all those models of NLP. These are obviously higher level variables.

The verb "to model" and the substative "model" have a huge coverage in common usage, even in the somewhat more restricted usage in scientific endeavors. In Whispering, we worked very hard to offer an explicit representation of what we perceive distinguishes NLP modeling from these other variations. Thus your example, of using the term "model" to refer to your figuring out in what specific sequence your subject model uses representational systems to successfully do some computation coincides with common usage and patentedly NOT what we propose for NLP modeling.

Do not be alarmed by the immense gap between the variables alluded to in our work and their deploymen in the New Code games. You have not been provided with adequate examples and most certainly adequate experience to discover that connection. We did not (as we stated in the text) attempt in Whispering to elucidate either the set of design variables we referred to nor the structure of New Code games.

All the best,

John and Carmen

Entire Thread

TopicDate PostedPosted By
What is the definition of variables?08/05/2002 14:43:20Thomas
     Re:What is the definition of variables?08/05/2002 22:46:32John Grinder and Carmen Bostic
          Re:Re:What is the definition of variables?20/05/2002 02:46:03Thomas again
               Re:Re:Re:What is the definition of variables?20/05/2002 06:01:31John Grinder and Carmen Bostic
          Re:Re:What is the definition of variables?30/08/2002 01:08:41John Cox
               ReRe:Re:Re:What is the definition of variables?30/08/2002 02:43:04james
               ReRe:Re:Re:What is the definition of variables?30/08/2002 02:44:07james
               Re:Re:Re:What is the definition of variables?30/08/2002 18:12:06John Grinder and Carmen Bostic St. Clair
                    ReRe:Re:Re:Re:What is the definition of variables?30/08/2002 23:04:05kc
                         Re:ReRe:Re:Re:Re:What is the definition of variables?31/08/2002 01:05:32Carmen Bostic St. Clair and John Grinder
                              ReReRe:Re:ReRe:Re:Re:Re:What is the definition of variables?31/08/2002 14:52:16kc
                                   Re:ReReRe:Re:ReRe:Re:Re:Re:What is the definition of variables?31/08/2002 20:56:48John Grinder
                                        ReRe:Re:ReReRe:Re:ReRe:Re:Re:Re:What is the definition of variables?02/09/2002 14:56:05kc
                                        ReRe:Re:ReReRe:Re:ReRe:Re:Re:Re:What is the definition of variables?05/09/2002 05:07:39kc
                         To: KC, Re: Epistemology01/09/2002 05:24:20nj
                              Re:To: NJ, Re: Epistemology02/09/2002 16:01:44kc
                                   To:KC,Re: Epistemology02/09/2002 19:51:53nj

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