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Topic: Re:Re:What is the definition of variables?
Posted by: John Cox
Date/Time: 30/08/2002 01:08:41

"Do not be alarmed by the immense gap between the variables alluded to in our work and their deploymen in the New Code games. You have not been provided with adequate examples and most certainly adequate experience to discover that connection. We did not (as we stated in the text) attempt in Whispering to elucidate either the set of design variables we referred to nor the structure of New Code games."

Hello John and Carmen.

I just today discovered this website and the existence of your book.  I will read it very soon.

Until that time I do have a couple of questions born of my past 6 years with NLP and the above statement.

Why not?  I would love to understand your reference and those made by Bandler in my NLP trainings about the many variables used to create NLP models.  As far as I have been able to determine, these variables have not been published.  Do you intend to publish this part of the work?

Now, the most interesting question that I have had is this:  All of NLP application appears to me to be manipulation of abstractions.  The effectivess of which is measurable.  Is this true from your perspective?



Entire Thread

TopicDate PostedPosted By
What is the definition of variables?08/05/2002 14:43:20Thomas
     Re:What is the definition of variables?08/05/2002 22:46:32John Grinder and Carmen Bostic
          Re:Re:What is the definition of variables?20/05/2002 02:46:03Thomas again
               Re:Re:Re:What is the definition of variables?20/05/2002 06:01:31John Grinder and Carmen Bostic
          Re:Re:What is the definition of variables?30/08/2002 01:08:41John Cox
               ReRe:Re:Re:What is the definition of variables?30/08/2002 02:43:04james
               ReRe:Re:Re:What is the definition of variables?30/08/2002 02:44:07james
               Re:Re:Re:What is the definition of variables?30/08/2002 18:12:06John Grinder and Carmen Bostic St. Clair
                    ReRe:Re:Re:Re:What is the definition of variables?30/08/2002 23:04:05kc
                         Re:ReRe:Re:Re:Re:What is the definition of variables?31/08/2002 01:05:32Carmen Bostic St. Clair and John Grinder
                              ReReRe:Re:ReRe:Re:Re:Re:What is the definition of variables?31/08/2002 14:52:16kc
                                   Re:ReReRe:Re:ReRe:Re:Re:Re:What is the definition of variables?31/08/2002 20:56:48John Grinder
                                        ReRe:Re:ReReRe:Re:ReRe:Re:Re:Re:What is the definition of variables?02/09/2002 14:56:05kc
                                        ReRe:Re:ReReRe:Re:ReRe:Re:Re:Re:What is the definition of variables?05/09/2002 05:07:39kc
                         To: KC, Re: Epistemology01/09/2002 05:24:20nj
                              Re:To: NJ, Re: Epistemology02/09/2002 16:01:44kc
                                   To:KC,Re: Epistemology02/09/2002 19:51:53nj

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