Forum Message

Topic: Re:To: NJ, Re: Epistemology
Posted by: kc
Date/Time: 02/09/2002 16:01:44


I appreciate your efforts in your last posting and will repond appropriately soon.

Sorry I didn't get back to you yesterday as my wife and I took a tour of a spacious 500 acre art gallery overlooking the Hudson River near West Point(metal sculptures-quite visually stimulating) and we also went to Brotherhood Winery the oldest winery in the US which was built in 1830(great tasting wines). So NJ just as I surveyed and enjoyed that moment I do need to "sit back" and enjoy your work/posting.

NJ I do find this subject fascinating. To give you some background on my experiences a few years back  I was fortunate enough to speak to a gentlemen from Oxford named Norman Dixon. Norman wrote a book I believe in the early 80's called "Preconscious Processing" In his book Norman did not use F1, FA and F2 terms. He was much more primitive in his findings and writings  than John Grinder and Carmen Bostic St Clair in Whispering.

At that time NJ I was researching the use of  subliminal advertising and its affect on the public so I reached Norman Dixon on the phone. I asked the scholar how does he see us as humans in the future evolving in such a up and coming high paced media influenced world?

NJ, Norman then took me down a mysterious road as he went into a myriad of scenarios and concepts about how advertisers in the 80"S are more advanced in  their ability of taking advantage of us by understanding how we process information. Norman simply kept recounting and explaining to me that in his findings we all have all this possesion of brain hardware with great neural processing and sorting ability. So as I got more curious I asked Norman to explain exactly how do we possses this ability and what does this machine of ours do? NJ I will never forget Norman's reply  as he said kc faster than you think
which now looking back at our coversation I think at the time he meant faster than I

THE CONVERSATION GOT LONG AS Norman went on to say we are influenced un benounced neurologically at many different levels describing particular subliminal threshold levels. He also descibed how he thought we start reaching new perceptual thresholds unknowingly sometimes  beyond our normal zero threshold levels and as he started talking more about reaching absolute(conscious) thresholds NJ Norman was losing me with his scientific jargon and renderings until he simply stated KC

"all your ability to navigate your world is all in your nervous system."

That rang a bell inside me NJ.

more later and all regards


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What is the definition of variables?08/05/2002 14:43:20Thomas
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                         To: KC, Re: Epistemology01/09/2002 05:24:20nj
                              Re:To: NJ, Re: Epistemology02/09/2002 16:01:44kc
                                   To:KC,Re: Epistemology02/09/2002 19:51:53nj

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