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Topic: ReRe:Re:Re:Re:What is the definition of variables?
Posted by: kc
Date/Time: 30/08/2002 23:04:05

Hello John Grinder and Carmen Bostic

I am back from vacationing in Aruba and feeling strong. Your Web site looks like it is moving right along!

Hey on my vacation John and Carmen I had some time to look at WITW and do have a quick question for you. On page 276 you mention the following:

NLP is characteristically defined in popular writing books as the study of subjective experience - indeed, there are a number of books on  NLP.....where this description occurs. But consider the phrase subjective experience---
What could this possibly mean?

JG and CB you go on to write:
We have argued in the epistemology presented in Chapter 1, Part 1, that first access (FA) IS A PONT AT WHICH WE EXPERIENCE THE WORLD AROUND US. But FA is a point in the human neurology by definition at which the incoming data stream 
from the world has already passed through the initial series of the neurological transforms (f1).

Since these neurological transforms are known to change the data that streams through in their movement to FA,the representations at FA are,
BY DEFINITION, SUBJECTIVE-HAVING BEEN OPERATED ON BY THE STRUCTURE (the neurological transforms) of the human nervous system yet defined.

Thus again, either the expression (subjective experience) is absurd-
in this case, confusingly redundent or is being used pedagogically as a code to provoke certain understanding in the participant.

So my quick question is where do you guys see   subjective experience beginning? How can one  change their variables to subjective see, hear and sense something other than they what they have previously if such redundancy does exists subjectively in each and every one of us especially if one has not defined such variables personally?

regards and happy week end folks,


Entire Thread

TopicDate PostedPosted By
What is the definition of variables?08/05/2002 14:43:20Thomas
     Re:What is the definition of variables?08/05/2002 22:46:32John Grinder and Carmen Bostic
          Re:Re:What is the definition of variables?20/05/2002 02:46:03Thomas again
               Re:Re:Re:What is the definition of variables?20/05/2002 06:01:31John Grinder and Carmen Bostic
          Re:Re:What is the definition of variables?30/08/2002 01:08:41John Cox
               ReRe:Re:Re:What is the definition of variables?30/08/2002 02:43:04james
               ReRe:Re:Re:What is the definition of variables?30/08/2002 02:44:07james
               Re:Re:Re:What is the definition of variables?30/08/2002 18:12:06John Grinder and Carmen Bostic St. Clair
                    ReRe:Re:Re:Re:What is the definition of variables?30/08/2002 23:04:05kc
                         Re:ReRe:Re:Re:Re:What is the definition of variables?31/08/2002 01:05:32Carmen Bostic St. Clair and John Grinder
                              ReReRe:Re:ReRe:Re:Re:Re:What is the definition of variables?31/08/2002 14:52:16kc
                                   Re:ReReRe:Re:ReRe:Re:Re:Re:What is the definition of variables?31/08/2002 20:56:48John Grinder
                                        ReRe:Re:ReReRe:Re:ReRe:Re:Re:Re:What is the definition of variables?02/09/2002 14:56:05kc
                                        ReRe:Re:ReReRe:Re:ReRe:Re:Re:Re:What is the definition of variables?05/09/2002 05:07:39kc
                         To: KC, Re: Epistemology01/09/2002 05:24:20nj
                              Re:To: NJ, Re: Epistemology02/09/2002 16:01:44kc
                                   To:KC,Re: Epistemology02/09/2002 19:51:53nj

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