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Topic: Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Applications: E-Prime
Posted by: Stephen Michael Hawley
Date/Time: 31/05/2004 20:08:20

Hee hee hee... OK! Yes, yes, yes. It appears to me that there are a number of ways to tackle this. Of course.

What I am referencing here is Non-Identification. That means, at this point to me, having consciousness of abstraction AND having the choice to, if you will, jump logical levels... adopt a different perceptual position... to simply dis-engage and/or to choose to engage in what ever state I choose. When ever I choose. For what ever reasons, etc. Choice. The choice to decide that I am not bound by my personal history. These are some of the things that I mean when I bring up the Non-Identification Glacier.

Now... My references to teaching are aside from this notion of Non-Identification. I am looking for ways to embody Non-Identification.

As for teaching someone 'something' then yes, there are contextual cues. And they of course include physiology, sub-modalities and language. Every word, state, blah blah blah has clues that are shown with the body, the pretty pictures that I see around and through and in people's "fields"... their tonality, rhythm... Everything shows us the history of the development of a person and the development of their ideas, yada yada yada...

SO... I am indentified into when I teach. Identified non-verbally, verbally, etc into.

What I am looking for are the activities that fire off the circuits that presuppose being able to disengage from anything when I want.

And I am looking for activities that I have not already learned. Which is why I mentioned the Stopping the World state in an ealrier post.

So. Non-Identification is a concept that I wish to operationalise through non-verbal behavior first. SIGH

Hope that this is the beginning of me blazing a trail into what is easy enough to explain if you are not me... Mud. As clear as.


That Stephen or This Stephen or Stephen1 or one of the Stephen's or SMH or Stephen Michael Hawley or...

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TopicDate PostedPosted By
Applications: E-Prime27/12/2002 23:30:59Stephen
     Re:Applications: E-Prime28/12/2002 02:18:55John Grinder
          Re:Re:Applications: E-Prime28/12/2002 04:12:06Stephen
               Re:Re:Re:Applications: E-Prime29/05/2004 13:36:39Richard
          Re:Re:Applications: E-Prime 22:33:21e_lie
          Re:Re:Applications: E-Prime04/06/2004 23:13:08e_lie
               Re:Re:Re:Applications: E-Prime04/06/2004 23:32:21nj
                    Re:Re:Re:Re:Applications: E-Prime05/06/2004 07:50:43e_lie
                    Re:Re:Re:Re:Applications: E-Prime05/06/2004 07:50:44e_lie
                         Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Applications: E-Prime07/06/2004 04:37:28nj
                              Re:Applications: E-Prime07/06/2004 05:48:18Greg Alexander
                                   Re:Re:Applications: E-Prime07/06/2004 08:51:21e_lie
                              Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Applications: E-Prime07/06/2004 08:57:41e_lie
     Re:Applications: E-Prime29/05/2004 13:08:22e_lie
          Re:Re:Applications: E-Prime29/05/2004 21:54:14stephen
               Re:Re:Re:Applications: E-Prime30/05/2004 02:15:51e_lie
                    Re:Re:Re:Re:Applications: E-Prime30/05/2004 13:31:05That Stephen
                         Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Applications: E-Prime30/05/2004 23:47:17e_lie
                              Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Applications: E-Prime31/05/2004 01:25:13Stephen Michael Hawley
                                   Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Applications: E-Prime31/05/2004 12:04:32e_lie
                                        Re:Applications: E-Prime31/05/2004 14:45:51Greg Alexander
                                             Re:Re:Applications: E-Prime01/06/2004 03:03:37e_lie
                                                  Re:Re:Re:Applications: E-Prime01/06/2004 08:16:11Stephen Michael Hawley
                                                       Re:Re:Re:Re:Applications: E-Prime01/06/2004 10:37:16e_lie
                                                            Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Applications: E-Prime03/06/2004 18:10:35Stephen Michael Hawley
                                        Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Applications: E-Prime31/05/2004 20:08:20Stephen Michael Hawley
                                   Re:Applications: E-Prime31/05/2004 23:55:29Greg Alexander
               Re:Re:Re:Applications: E-Prime30/05/2004 14:31:51Richard
                    Re:Re:Re:Re:Applications: E-Prime30/05/2004 14:56:56Stephen Michael Hawley
     Re:Applications: E-Prime04/06/2004 11:58:43Eric Robbie
          Re:Re:Applications: E-Prime04/06/2004 13:46:27e_lie
               Re:Re:Re:Applications: E-Prime04/06/2004 14:16:33John Schertzer
               Re:Applications: E-Prime06/06/2004 13:47:13Greg Alexander
                    Re:Re:Applications: E-Prime07/06/2004 02:50:36e_lie
                         Re:Applications: E-Prime07/06/2004 04:51:17Greg Alexander
                              Re:Re:Applications: E-Prime07/06/2004 09:54:49e_lie
               Re:Re:Re:E-prime IS absoid.07/06/2004 11:55:04Eric Robbie
                    Re:Re:Re:Re:E-prime IS absoid.07/06/2004 20:11:04Stephen Michael Hawley
                         Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:E-prime IS absoid - still11/06/2004 15:38:46Eric Robbie
                    Re:Re:Re:Re:E-prime IS absoid.08/06/2004 01:18:38e_lie

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