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Topic: Re:Re:Re:Re:Applications: E-Prime
Posted by: e_lie
Date/Time: 01/06/2004 10:37:16

"Is that [the gait of power] akin to the Walk of Power and Grace from New Code NLP?"

The gait of power is something that don Juan introduces Carlos to in the book, Journey to Ixtlan by Castaneda.  Within that same book, Carlos learns about 'erasing personal history' [an influence of and inspiration for what became classic code NLP's 'change personal history' process?], about 'Not-Doing' [nonidentification?], about 'Losing Self-Importance' [see John's remarks included below], about stopping the internal dialogue and about 'Stopping the World' (among other things that seem strangely similar, yet different, to what I've learned within the context of NLP training) from two Yaqui warriors [don Juan and don Genaro] who don't have beliefs, who merely 'act as if' they do [does this sound like someone familiar to you?], who 'act impeccably' and who 'trust their personal power' [Didn't a former NLP trainer by the name of Robbins do an audio course in the 90s of the same name?  hmmm...] So when I read some of your remarks about "Non-Identification" ['Not-Doing'], about "the Stopping the World state" ['Stopping the World'], and about "The choice to decide that I am not bound by my personal history" [erase personal history], I found myself linking them to the teachings of don Juan and don Genaro [Grinder and Bandler], and the gait of power simply presented itself to me as an appropriate set of physical actions that might light your circuity and enable you to achieve Non-Identification.  I seriously wonder if Bandler and Grinder "embodied the metaphor" of don Genaro and don Juan in the 70s during their collaboration.  Consider the following: "[...]I [John Grinder] have found great value in his [Carlos Castaneda's] writings - especially as a guide for apprenticeships, reasonably outrageous behavior (most often when acting in concert with a partner) and most of all(after all, I already knew about outrageous behavior) to point to ways of engaging the unconscious processes we all carry within us and rarely tap to their full potential. These writings, then, serve as an interesting counterweight to the left brained babblings of people cursed by self-importance.[...]"

I trust that the Walk of Power and Grace is something that you discovered at the New Code training in Austin a while back.  I wish I could have joined you there.  Care to offer up a bit of a brief description of what that process entails, perhaps then we can compare and contrast the walk of power and grace with the gait of power.

Cheers Stephen1,


"I am not a number, I'm a free man"

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TopicDate PostedPosted By
Applications: E-Prime27/12/2002 23:30:59Stephen
     Re:Applications: E-Prime28/12/2002 02:18:55John Grinder
          Re:Re:Applications: E-Prime28/12/2002 04:12:06Stephen
               Re:Re:Re:Applications: E-Prime29/05/2004 13:36:39Richard
          Re:Re:Applications: E-Prime 22:33:21e_lie
          Re:Re:Applications: E-Prime04/06/2004 23:13:08e_lie
               Re:Re:Re:Applications: E-Prime04/06/2004 23:32:21nj
                    Re:Re:Re:Re:Applications: E-Prime05/06/2004 07:50:43e_lie
                    Re:Re:Re:Re:Applications: E-Prime05/06/2004 07:50:44e_lie
                         Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Applications: E-Prime07/06/2004 04:37:28nj
                              Re:Applications: E-Prime07/06/2004 05:48:18Greg Alexander
                                   Re:Re:Applications: E-Prime07/06/2004 08:51:21e_lie
                              Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Applications: E-Prime07/06/2004 08:57:41e_lie
     Re:Applications: E-Prime29/05/2004 13:08:22e_lie
          Re:Re:Applications: E-Prime29/05/2004 21:54:14stephen
               Re:Re:Re:Applications: E-Prime30/05/2004 02:15:51e_lie
                    Re:Re:Re:Re:Applications: E-Prime30/05/2004 13:31:05That Stephen
                         Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Applications: E-Prime30/05/2004 23:47:17e_lie
                              Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Applications: E-Prime31/05/2004 01:25:13Stephen Michael Hawley
                                   Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Applications: E-Prime31/05/2004 12:04:32e_lie
                                        Re:Applications: E-Prime31/05/2004 14:45:51Greg Alexander
                                             Re:Re:Applications: E-Prime01/06/2004 03:03:37e_lie
                                                  Re:Re:Re:Applications: E-Prime01/06/2004 08:16:11Stephen Michael Hawley
                                                       Re:Re:Re:Re:Applications: E-Prime01/06/2004 10:37:16e_lie
                                                            Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Applications: E-Prime03/06/2004 18:10:35Stephen Michael Hawley
                                        Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Applications: E-Prime31/05/2004 20:08:20Stephen Michael Hawley
                                   Re:Applications: E-Prime31/05/2004 23:55:29Greg Alexander
               Re:Re:Re:Applications: E-Prime30/05/2004 14:31:51Richard
                    Re:Re:Re:Re:Applications: E-Prime30/05/2004 14:56:56Stephen Michael Hawley
     Re:Applications: E-Prime04/06/2004 11:58:43Eric Robbie
          Re:Re:Applications: E-Prime04/06/2004 13:46:27e_lie
               Re:Re:Re:Applications: E-Prime04/06/2004 14:16:33John Schertzer
               Re:Applications: E-Prime06/06/2004 13:47:13Greg Alexander
                    Re:Re:Applications: E-Prime07/06/2004 02:50:36e_lie
                         Re:Applications: E-Prime07/06/2004 04:51:17Greg Alexander
                              Re:Re:Applications: E-Prime07/06/2004 09:54:49e_lie
               Re:Re:Re:E-prime IS absoid.07/06/2004 11:55:04Eric Robbie
                    Re:Re:Re:Re:E-prime IS absoid.07/06/2004 20:11:04Stephen Michael Hawley
                         Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:E-prime IS absoid - still11/06/2004 15:38:46Eric Robbie
                    Re:Re:Re:Re:E-prime IS absoid.08/06/2004 01:18:38e_lie

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