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Topic: Re:A statistical model of elegance and diffusion
Posted by: John Grinder
Date/Time: 21/01/2003 04:16:48

Greetings RobMan

Wow, where to begin!

1. You wrote,

"Even though the NLP based models are binary (either present or not) that is still technically a statistical analysis 8)"

Please name me one of the "NLP based models that is binary" - remember, if they are not present, they do not exist. Try arguing the anchoring (a NLP based model) is binary.

2. You wrote,

"I also think that statistics could be usefully applied to the analysis of what makes a model elegant and sufficient.  e.g. what level of simplification is utilised across the collected models and what impact if any this has - a statistical model of elegance."

Help me out here, RobMan - could we get an simple example of how "statistics could be usefully applied to the analysis of what makes a model elegant and sufficient"? I am having a complete failure of the imagination here trying to appreciate how statistics could be usefully applied to the analysis of what makes a model elegant and sufficient. I am particularly exercised by your comment, 

3. You wrote

"...what level of simplification is utilised across the collected models and what impact if any this has - a statistical model of elegance."

It is difficult enough to imagine how the NLP based models I am familiar with have non-overlapping coding vocabularies, with their application to distinct area of expertise, that represent models of distinct logical types of transactions but when I think about the issue of simplification - that is, the mapping from the set of exemplars of a pattern to some explicit model - I completely boggle. It seems to imply that there is some measure of complexity/simplification between the process experiences being modeled and the explicit product that represents it and further that this measure is independent of the processes modeled by the various models involved. In attempting to consider what such a measure might be, I fall speechless.

4. You wrote,

"While the variables in an algebraic equation are simplifications that may represent some number of real world complex objects the simplification is well defined...whereas the simplifications involved NLP modelling are still largely an expression of the skill of the modeller."

You are certainly correct that the variables in an algebraic equation (you called them simplifications) may represent some number of real world objects but to claim that these simplifications are well defined is altogether another matter. Clearly, the manipulation of the algebraic equations is driven by a set of processes (commutative...) that are well defined but the entire artistry of scientific research depends precisely on the skill (and luck) of the person making the initial mapping between the real (sic)world objects and the variables expressed in the equation precisely as the effectiveness (learnability and efficiency) depends on the skill of the modeler in an NLP based piece of modeling in assigning explicit vocabulary to the elements in those sets of interactions they purport to model.

All the best,


Entire Thread

TopicDate PostedPosted By
NLP & statistics02/01/2003 10:42:12Patrick E.C. Merlevede, MSc. (
     Re:NLP & statistics02/01/2003 11:27:47Patrick E.C. Merlevede, MSc. (
          Re:Re:NLP & statistics04/01/2003 08:44:24Bruce
               Re:Re:Re:NLP & statistics04/01/2003 11:23:38Patrick E.C. Merlevede, MSc. (
     Re:NLP & statistics04/01/2003 18:33:09Bruce
     Re:NLP & statistics05/01/2003 17:23:40John Grinder
          Re:Re:NLP & statistics06/01/2003 07:47:18Patrick E.C. Merlevede, MSc. (
               Re:Re:Re:NLP & statistics17/01/2003 19:46:21John Grinder
               NLP & statistics18/01/2003 00:16:31suzyhomemaker
                    Re:NLP & statistics18/01/2003 04:03:44John Grinder
                         Re:Re:NLP & statistics18/01/2003 23:03:27Robert
                    Re:NLP & statistics09/02/2003 12:10:24Patrick E.C. Merlevede, MSc. (
               27/02/2003 02:28:33Ryan Nagy
               NLP/statistics/dynamic systems27/02/2003 02:33:32Ryan Nagy
                    Re:NLP/statistics/dynamic systems03/03/2003 06:53:34Patrick E.C. Merlevede, MSc. (
                         Re:Re:NLP/statistics/dynamic systems04/03/2003 17:45:19Ryan Nagy
                         Re:Re:NLP/statistics/dynamic systems04/03/2003 22:09:54John Grinder
          A statistical model of elegance and diffusion21/01/2003 03:19:20Rob Manson
               Re:A statistical model of elegance and diffusion21/01/2003 04:16:48John Grinder
                    Re:Re:A statistical model of elegance and diffusion21/01/2003 10:55:06Rob Manson
                         Re:Re:Re:A statistical model of elegance and diffusion21/01/2003 17:22:38John Grinder
                    The genetics analogy21/01/2003 11:54:19Rob Manson
                         Re:The genetics analogy22/01/2003 04:27:46John Grinder
                              Re:Re:The genetics analogy22/01/2003 05:35:59Rob Manson
                         Re:The genetics analogy22/01/2003 04:27:48John Grinder
                         Re:The genetics analogy22/01/2003 04:27:53John Grinder
                         Re:The genetics analogy. topic: Solutions to Puzzles/Recommendations22/01/2003 05:53:24nj
                              Re:Re:The genetics analogy. topic: Solutions to Puzzles/Recommendations22/01/2003 07:39:41Rob Manson
                                   Re:Re:Re:The genetics analogy. topic: Solutions to Puzzles/Recommendations22/01/2003 17:24:09John Grinder
                                        Re:Modelling vs Analysis22/01/2003 23:16:12Rob Manson
                    The genetics analogy21/01/2003 11:55:16Rob Manson
     Re:NLP & statistics24/01/2003 06:49:17Mike
          Re:Re:NLP & statistics24/01/2003 16:39:35John Grinder
               Re:Re:Re:NLP & statistics24/01/2003 17:25:03Mike
                    Re:Re:Re:Re:NLP & statistics24/01/2003 18:26:08John Grinder
                         Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:NLP & statistics28/01/2003 20:04:54Mike

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