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Topic: Re:Meta-State vs. Third Perceptual Position Inquiry and Debate
Posted by: Michael Carroll
Date/Time: 10/09/2002 09:54:58


Re 3rd position you wrote

<< Is it meta to 1st and 2nd? Does it exist as a higher logical level, same logical level or lower logical level?>>

You also used the metaphor of a time line in your post, so I will use that metaphor.

Assume you are standing beside your timeline as coach (3rd) having already associated to 1st position and 2nd position on an event from your personal history where someone else is involved. In 3rd position you have accesses to both sets of representations you visited in 1st and 2nd position making 3rd a larger set of representations and higher logical level.

If we expand on this and you chose to associate to related events on the timeline and associate to 1st and 2nd positions at different stages of time and then step off the time line to 3rd, you now have access to an even larger set of representations.

You wrote < Naturally the kinesthetic of 3rd will be different to that of 1st and 2nd which means you will experience a different state in all three positions. 3rd is meta (above) and often referred to as coach or controller. One has more choices presented in 3rd and therefore more influential.

More later,


Michael Carroll

Entire Thread

TopicDate PostedPosted By
Meta-State vs. Third Perceptual Position Inquiry and Debate09/09/2002 21:39:01Gene Bryson
     Re:Meta-State vs. Third Perceptual Position Inquiry and Debate09/09/2002 22:30:47Jim r
          Re:Re:Meta-State vs. Third Perceptual Position Inquiry and Debate09/09/2002 23:38:22Gene Bryson
     Re:Meta-State vs. Third Perceptual Position Inquiry and Debate10/09/2002 09:54:58Michael Carroll
     Re:Meta-State vs. Third Perceptual Position Inquiry and Debate10/09/2002 14:38:36Jon Edwards
          Re:Meta-State vs. Third Perceptual Position Inquiry and Debate10/09/2002 15:35:51Gene Bryson
               Re:Re:Meta-State vs. Third Perceptual Position Inquiry and Debate11/09/2002 15:05:01Jon Edwards
                    Re:Re:Re:Meta-State vs. Third Perceptual Position Inquiry and Debate11/09/2002 17:44:24John Grinder and Carmen Bostic St. Clair
                         Standard Formats to document NLP (was - Meta-State vs. Third Perceptual Position Inquiry and Debate)12/09/2002 17:24:57Jon Edwards
          Re:Re:Meta-State vs. Third Perceptual Position Inquiry and Debate10/09/2002 19:23:25Michael Carroll
     Re:Meta-State vs. Third Perceptual Position Inquiry and Debate10/09/2002 19:02:47Michael Carroll
          Computer error 11/09/2002 00:36:20Michael Carroll
     Re:Meta-State vs. Third Perceptual Position Inquiry and Debate12/09/2002 00:26:05Ulic
          Re:Re:Meta-State vs. Third Perceptual Position Inquiry and Debate12/09/2002 06:51:32Robert
               Re:Re:Re:Meta-State vs. Third Perceptual Position Inquiry and Debate12/09/2002 14:54:57Ulic
                    Re:Re:Re:Re:Meta-State vs. Third Perceptual Position Inquiry and Debate12/09/2002 22:31:25Michael Carroll
                         Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Meta-State vs. Third Perceptual Position Inquiry and Debate13/09/2002 00:38:43Ulic
                              Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Meta-State vs. Third Perceptual Position Inquiry and Debate15/09/2002 12:27:57Michael Carroll
                                   Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Meta-State vs. Third Perceptual Position Inquiry and Debate15/09/2002 16:04:10Ulic
                    Re:Re:Re:Re:Meta-State vs. Third Perceptual Position Inquiry and Debate15/09/2002 04:32:48Gene Bryson
                         Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Meta-State vs. Third Perceptual Position Inquiry and Debate15/09/2002 12:10:35Michael Carroll
                         Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Meta-State vs. Third Perceptual Position Inquiry and Debate15/09/2002 16:11:43Ulic
                              (Reply to Michael / Ulic) Re: Meta-State vs. Third Perceptual Position Inquiry and Debate15/09/2002 20:41:57Gene Bryson
                                   Re:(Reply to Michael / Ulic) Re: Meta-State vs. Third Perceptual Position Inquiry and Debate15/09/2002 20:47:04Michael Carroll
                    Re:Re:Re:Re:Meta-State vs. Third Perceptual Position Inquiry and Debate17/09/2002 18:16:49Robert

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