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Topic: Re:Meta-State vs. Third Perceptual Position Inquiry and Debate
Posted by: Jon Edwards
Date/Time: 10/09/2002 14:38:36

Please excuse the ignorance of a relative newcomer (couple of months reading about NLP, halfway through WITW), but isn't 3rd Position (as an imagined/hallucinated state) whatever you want it to be? ...or perhaps more correctly, whatever is most useful to you in the context you are using it?

For example, you could imagine 3rd Position as being a "supreme being" who knows all the thoughts and intentions of the people in the situation, chuckling wisely to him/herself as he watches their efforts to communicate. Or, you could imagine it as a small child (or an alien from another planet) who understands little of what is said, but is fascinated by the interaction between these beings.

Both perspectives (and many others) will give you different detached/dissociated representations of the situation. Which one is "best" will depend on what you are trying to achieve when you look at that situation.

...or maybe you could train yourself to "cycle through" many different 3rd Positions to get lots of perspectives? I tried this briefly, and my brain nearly exploded, but it was fun!

Hope that makes sense? Must remember not to read this forum during working hours... I've been pondering that thought for two hours now! ;-)

Cheers, Jon

P.S. Thanks to Carmen and John for a wonderfully thought-provoking book! I'm trying to discipline myself not to ask questions before I've read the whole thing, but I suspect I may already have failed. :-)

Entire Thread

TopicDate PostedPosted By
Meta-State vs. Third Perceptual Position Inquiry and Debate09/09/2002 21:39:01Gene Bryson
     Re:Meta-State vs. Third Perceptual Position Inquiry and Debate09/09/2002 22:30:47Jim r
          Re:Re:Meta-State vs. Third Perceptual Position Inquiry and Debate09/09/2002 23:38:22Gene Bryson
     Re:Meta-State vs. Third Perceptual Position Inquiry and Debate10/09/2002 09:54:58Michael Carroll
     Re:Meta-State vs. Third Perceptual Position Inquiry and Debate10/09/2002 14:38:36Jon Edwards
          Re:Meta-State vs. Third Perceptual Position Inquiry and Debate10/09/2002 15:35:51Gene Bryson
               Re:Re:Meta-State vs. Third Perceptual Position Inquiry and Debate11/09/2002 15:05:01Jon Edwards
                    Re:Re:Re:Meta-State vs. Third Perceptual Position Inquiry and Debate11/09/2002 17:44:24John Grinder and Carmen Bostic St. Clair
                         Standard Formats to document NLP (was - Meta-State vs. Third Perceptual Position Inquiry and Debate)12/09/2002 17:24:57Jon Edwards
          Re:Re:Meta-State vs. Third Perceptual Position Inquiry and Debate10/09/2002 19:23:25Michael Carroll
     Re:Meta-State vs. Third Perceptual Position Inquiry and Debate10/09/2002 19:02:47Michael Carroll
          Computer error 11/09/2002 00:36:20Michael Carroll
     Re:Meta-State vs. Third Perceptual Position Inquiry and Debate12/09/2002 00:26:05Ulic
          Re:Re:Meta-State vs. Third Perceptual Position Inquiry and Debate12/09/2002 06:51:32Robert
               Re:Re:Re:Meta-State vs. Third Perceptual Position Inquiry and Debate12/09/2002 14:54:57Ulic
                    Re:Re:Re:Re:Meta-State vs. Third Perceptual Position Inquiry and Debate12/09/2002 22:31:25Michael Carroll
                         Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Meta-State vs. Third Perceptual Position Inquiry and Debate13/09/2002 00:38:43Ulic
                              Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Meta-State vs. Third Perceptual Position Inquiry and Debate15/09/2002 12:27:57Michael Carroll
                                   Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Meta-State vs. Third Perceptual Position Inquiry and Debate15/09/2002 16:04:10Ulic
                    Re:Re:Re:Re:Meta-State vs. Third Perceptual Position Inquiry and Debate15/09/2002 04:32:48Gene Bryson
                         Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Meta-State vs. Third Perceptual Position Inquiry and Debate15/09/2002 12:10:35Michael Carroll
                         Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Meta-State vs. Third Perceptual Position Inquiry and Debate15/09/2002 16:11:43Ulic
                              (Reply to Michael / Ulic) Re: Meta-State vs. Third Perceptual Position Inquiry and Debate15/09/2002 20:41:57Gene Bryson
                                   Re:(Reply to Michael / Ulic) Re: Meta-State vs. Third Perceptual Position Inquiry and Debate15/09/2002 20:47:04Michael Carroll
                    Re:Re:Re:Re:Meta-State vs. Third Perceptual Position Inquiry and Debate17/09/2002 18:16:49Robert

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