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Topic: Re:Corporate NLP but sales
Posted by: Michael Carroll
Date/Time: 18/07/2002 03:33:35

I making this post as a personal post and not as web master.


Your post inspired a reply that spans 3 pages of MS Word text. I will chunk my response into 2  separate replies to make it easier to read on the screen.

With respect to your comment  “why do you think NLP tools are not being utilized more in corporate sales systems”  here are my opinions for what might be occurring when a corporation does not utilise NLP sales tools

1. The corporate vice presidents and sales managers you refer to in your post are unaware NLP sales tools exist.

2. The corporate vice presidents and sales managers are introduced to NLP sales tools, by a person who does not sell NLP well. Subsequently they do not buy an NLP programme. The  sales people do not utilise what they haven’t been trained in

3. An NLP programme is successfully sold to the corporation and poorly executed. The corporate vice presidents , sales managers, and sales people  form a generalisation about the effectiveness of NLP sales tools and do not utilise what they perceive to be ineffective

4. NLP programme is successfully sold to the corporation and adequately executed, the sales people enjoy it, realise NLP has a lot of potential. When they get back in the field, NLP goes to the back of their mind, and they return to their old selling habits. This is usually because of lack of follow up and/or lack of skill on the trainers part in presenting the training with concrete real world sales applications. The corporate vice presidents, sales managers and sales people form a generalisation along the lines that NLP is OK, but didn’t really work for our sales people 

So what do we do to counter the above. Well it’s easy really.

1. NLP sales trainers need to be models of excellence at selling. This means the corporate vice presidents and sales managers are sufficiently impressed at the outset with the NLP sales person/trainer’s presentation that they want to hire him/her to train the sales team.

2. The trainer as a model of excellence makes an equally good impression with the sales people who (s)he is training how to use NLP sales tools. Sales people are enormously pragmatic. The training has to be well researched with tools and models that the sale people can get immediately excited about. Sales need to know, and they will judge it in the training, that the tools will ncreasing sales

3. Follow up coaching  should be built into the programme to ensure application of new tools.

Sales is a good NLP application in the corporate world. With sales it’s very easy to measure results.  Does the sales team sell more as result of the implementation of the NLP sales model or NLP Training programme?  If the sales people do sell more volume, then the company would be crazy not to utilise NLP across all sales contexts and other areas of the activity in the business.

Part 2 regarding corporations rejecting NLP follows.



Entire Thread

TopicDate PostedPosted By
Corporate NLP but sales17/07/2002 22:21:00kc
     ReRe:Corporate NLP - sales18/07/2002 02:11:39Jon
          reply to Jon 18/07/2002 04:30:46Michael Carroll
     Re:Corporate NLP but sales18/07/2002 03:33:35Michael Carroll
     Re:Corporate NLP but sales.part 2 18/07/2002 03:51:56Michael Carroll
     Re:Corporate NLP but sales18/07/2002 12:17:44Ian Newton
     ReReReReReRe:Corporate NLP but sales18/07/2002 14:16:15kc
     Re:Corporate NLP and sales19/07/2002 02:22:31kc
          Re:Re:Corporate NLP and sales22/07/2002 01:48:28Michael Carroll
               ReRe:Re:Re:Corporate NLP and sales22/07/2002 13:59:21kc
               Re:Re:Re:Corporate NLP and sales22/07/2002 19:33:35kc
                    Re:Re:Re:Re:Corporate NLP and sales23/07/2002 02:44:45Jim R
                    Re:Re:Re:Re:Corporate NLP and sales27/07/2002 05:01:20Michael Carroll
                         ReReReReReReReReRe:Re:Re:Re:Re:Corporate NLP and sales04/08/2002 10:28:12kc
          Re(2): Corporate NLP and sales07/08/2002 17:24:47Carol Anne (Friday) Ogdin
               Re Re:R(3) Corporate NLP / sales17/08/2002 01:30:42kc
     Re:Corporate NLP but sales30/11/2003 17:50:56Jacues Werth
          Re:Re:Corporate NLP but sales02/12/2003 14:06:48kc
          Re:Re:Corporate NLP but sales04/12/2003 09:18:15John Grinder
               Re:Re:Re:Corporate NLP but sales23/12/2003 08:11:22kc
                    Re:Re:Re:Re:Corporate NLP but sales24/12/2003 18:56:38John Grinder
                         Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Corporate NLP but sales25/12/2003 05:36:58kc
                         Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Corporate NLP but sales28/12/2003 01:00:50Spike
                              Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Corporate NLP but sales30/12/2003 19:38:28John Grinder
                                   Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Corporate NLP but sales01/01/2004 14:37:31kc
                                        Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Corporate NLP but sales05/01/2004 18:14:25John Grinder
                                             Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Corporate NLP but sales05/01/2004 23:36:46kc
                                             Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Corporate NLP but sales15/01/2004 05:11:17kc

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